Take me out tonight
-Μα γιατι τετοιο κολλημα με αυτο το τραγουδι;
where there's music and there 're people
and there 're young and alive
-Δεν ξερω..μαλλον γιατι οταν το ακουω παθαινω ενα deja vu
Driving in your car I never never want to go home
-Θυμασαι τον..
because I haven't got one anymore..
-Ισως..και ενα αρωμα, μια μυρωδια, μια εικονα..Συναισθηματα πολλα..
Take me out tonight
-Τι συναισθηματα δηλαδη; Γινε σαφης.Πες μου.
because I want to see people and I want to see lights
-Δεν εχουν ονομα.Ειναι πολλα.Και αλλιως τα βιωνω εγω, αλλιως εσυ.
Driving in your car, Oh please!Don't drop me home
-Αλλα νιωθουμε;
because it's not my home, it's their home
-Μαλλον..Απλως τους δινουμε ιδια ονοματα
and I'm welcome no more
And if a double-decker bus crashes into us
to die by your side is such a heavenly way to die.
And if a ten tone track kills the both of us
to die by your side, well, all the pleasure,the privilege is mine..
Αν θες δες
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